The shot type used here is a mid-shot, this is a good shot to use as it
incorporates all the characters after the fight scene. The clothes these football hooligans are wearing are smart/casual, football hooligans originally started wearing this type of clothing during the 80s, this is so the police don't spot them as easily, examples of designer makes hat the hooligans wear are, stone island, Henri Lyord, Lacoste, Ralph Lauren etc.

The shot used here is a long shot, this shows more characters at once, and also can show the viewer the surroundings.

The shot shown here is a close up, This can show facial expressions, so for the type of thing we are doing it could show the anger or the pain on a characters face.

This shot here is another mid shot of 2 people fighting.

This is an example of a low angle shot, this type of shot shows that these people are vulnerable and are perhaps about to be attacked by some people, this does happen in the film at this point.

Labels: Alex, Jake. Josh, Will
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